and I have none ready to post, then does that mean I have to make up for all those 'missed' words? For your sakes and the sake of my fingers, I'm going with no. As soon as I get a chance to play around with Photoshop, there will be photos of the girls trip to Nachitoches, a shopping trip to Austin and water gap fixin' in East Texas.
Recent events also included getting to spend some quality time with my great-nephew (after missing most of month 2 due to a pesky cold). I keep telling his Mimi, my sister, that she needs to babysit so I can get in another photo session. Also, John's little brother got engaged to his sweetheart, Jamie - the wedding is set for August; and John's cousin, Brandy, is expecting a baby in July. I realize it's mostly because we're 'that age' but the past few years have been chock full of weddings & babies. In our families alone:
2003 - John's cousin, Brandy married Jerry; John's cousin Tony married Tara; my sister, Val finally got her house built
2004 - John & I were married
2005 - Chad graduated high school; John's cousin, Kim married Mitch
2006 - John's cousin, Justin got married a different Brandi
2007 - John's cousin Kim had a baby girl; John's cousin, Matt married Kelli; John's cousin, Candi married David; my sister, Brina married Michael; my nephew, Kyle had Jansen; John's parents finally were able to start construction on their new house (oh, and John & I moved back to East Texas in the middle of all that)
So 2008's already shaping up with at least one baby & one wedding - who know's what else is in store?
In the meantime, I had my introduction to Guitar Hero a few nights ago. I should preface this by saying that outside my Gameboy, with Tetris, Mario Bros & Bugs Bunny, I've never had nor played any gaming system with any regularity. Especially the more recent gaming systems - those first person shooter games just get me all turned around & I end up shooting people on my team. And the arcade dancing games? Requiring me to move my feet to music? In more that one direction? Forget it. Much as I'd love to be all coordinated & limber like Madonna in her Hung Up video, it ain't never gonna happen. So I was suprised when I actually enjoyed Guitar Hero (in the easy mode playing a simple song). No, I'm not great at it either, but I have fun while I'm stinking it up. John has learned not to talk to me or try to instruct me on these matters, since that prevents my complete focus, which is necessary for me to maintain minimal hand-eye coordination. So I didn't do too awfully on the first song. Chad, however, came into the room during my second attempt & actually expected me to hold a conversation, then he didn't understand why I did even worse on the song. The problem is that John & Chad are both gifted in the athletic, coordinated dept. John doesn't understand my lack of ability either, but he's learned now to accept it - ah, the painfully earned wisdom of married men. Good luck, Jamie.
And I just realized that both couples will have the same initials J&C and C&J.