Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Best of Intentions

So I was set to show all the cool pictures from John's Ring celebration, softball, etc. But I took them in NEF format so it'll take me a while to convert them to JPEG. In the meantime, here are so butterfly pictures I took a couple of weeks ago at my mom's house. These were the biggest butterflies I've seen in a while.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

For Modesty

My firend, Jennifer steered me to an excellent post on Everyday Mommy about modesty. My mother emphasized modesty so much growing up but I never really understood why until I was in college. We had a class one morning that was split by gender and some older men from the church came and spoke honestly about how immodesty affected boys/men. What a wake up call. Last Sunday we were in church and there were several girls, some with their parents, who were wearing extremely short skirts. By extremely short, I mean, wouldn't come close to passing the "finger-tip" test. And while I certainly don't feel that someone should meet a dress code to come to church, I believe in dressing appropriately to the situation. I would not wear jogging pants to the office or a swimsuit to a funeral or revealing clothes to church.

So even though I don't have children, I fully support this stand. I myself would like to be able to buy stylish, misses clothes that are not cut down to my navel. And when I do have children, I'd like my sons to be able to go places without having girls flaunt themselves in front of them. I'd like my daughters to be able to dress and feel pretty without objectifying themselves.